Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here are my two cute puppies lately. Akeeta is getting so big but is so cute! Especially when she hears us getting her food she does this little growly sing like she's excited to get food. And Roxy has to feel loved and needs to come right up in your face and wait for kisses on her cheek. She loves it!

It's been awhile!

So I have been so caught up with school and cheer and my puppies that I haven't had time to post anything lately.  I have decided I want to blog more than facebook and realized this is a little more fun and private. I will post some pictures soon of our life lately as well as our growing puppies: Roxy and Akeeta.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dan and Brad's Graduation

Danny and Brad graduated from UVU this past week - so awesome!!
So we had to have a bunch of family pictures after the graduation and Brick oven of course! So here are a bunch of them!

Finally got a good one of us too after a bunch of attempts in the wind so we waited 'til the car!

Cooper trying to find Uncle Butt in the crowd of graduates!

The whole family minus Tim!

Just me and Robbie!

All 4 kids!

The girlies - Ash Court and Mand!

Me and the graduates!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm learning how to blog!

I pretty much don't know how to blog at all, obviously since I have nothing posted yet!

But we got a cute beagle puppy about 2 months ago almost. Her name is Roxy and she is 4 months old now! She has grown so so much in just 2 months. When we got her she was 4 pounds and now she is about 10 pounds!

Also we moved into our own apartment in Midvale and absolutely love it! It is just the kind of place we needed.